Domino’s Effect is the project developed by VIZZ and Arena for Domino’s in order to support the gaming comunity and give a boost to smaller streamers with great potential and have the necessary exposure to make themselves known.
The project was led by IlloJuan, who, accompanied by his friend ElBokeron, conducted a scouting on Twitch in four streams, reviewing streamers channels with smaller audiences.
After the scouting, IlloJuan invited four of this creators to a Twitch event where they shared game and stream with other big content creators such as Cristinini and Alexby.

The action accumulated more than 5.5 million views, summing up the 4 scounting streams and the final streaming with IlloJuan, Cristinini and Alexby. In the publications of social media, more than 1 million impressions were obtained between IlloJuan and ElBokeron.
The action was a huge success for its innovative idea as well as for offering a visibility space for new streamers on Twitch. The campaign was awarded with the second place at the INSPIRATIONAL IAB 2022 awards in the “Branded Content Strategy” category.